Thursday, August 6, 2009


Right posture at the desk
IF you use a computer for long periods of time, remember that proper posture is crucial to your health. Keep your feet on the floor, arms parallel with the desk, head up, and back straight. It’s also a great idea to invest in a high quality office chair, one that provides as many adjustments as possible. Also, if you have short legs, consider adding a footrest to your setup.

Disabling pop-ups
DOES Windows bother you too much every time you want to delete something? You can disable the confirmation dialog box that pops up whenever you delete a file by right-clicking the Recycle Bin and selecting Properties. Uncheck the delete confirmation box, and click Apply. From that point on, you can simply delete a file without being bothered.

Upgrading computer’s CPU
TAKE the guesswork out of finding out which CPU is compatible with your current computer by visiting CPU ( This site provides information on exactly which processors your motherboard supports. You can conduct searches by motherboard or by CPU, and links will take you to more information about individual processors.

Change auto update settings
WINDOWS Update can either be useful or annoying. It’s annoying when it’s on autopilot, set up to automatically download and install updates, which sometimes require a reboot. Change the Windows Update settings in the Windows Security section of the Control Panel to download updates automatically but then to ask you whether or not to install them.

Use taskbar for quick access
IN Windows, if you constantly access a particular folder, you can add it to your taskbar for quick access. Right-click the taskbar and from the resulting pop-up menu, scroll to Toolbars ... New Toolbar. Windows will open an Explorer window with which you can browse to your folder and select it. Doing so adds the folder to your taskbar.

Avoiding the glare
When overhead or behind-your-back lighting hits your LCD monitor, a lot of glare is produced. Glare causes eye strain, as your brain must struggle to disregard the glare and reflections in order to focus on what you want. Do away with glare by dimming overhead lights, when possible, covering windows, and using a desk lamp beside your monitor instead


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